Welcome New Families
2024/25 Updates
Welcome Packet
New families should have received our Welcome to Tokeneke Packet from our New Family chairs – to view it please click here.
Friendly Family
If you are interested in having a “Friendly Family”, a veteran family assigned to you who can answer additional questions and act as a resource throughout the year, please fill out this form.
Tokeneke PTO Meet & Greet
Join us in the Tokeneke Common Room to learn more about the PTO and meet our Principals and Vice-Principals. Please visit the TPTO Calendar for the 2024 date. It’s a great time to meet the Tokeneke community!
The Basics
For registration in Tokeneke School please go to www.darienps.org and click on the District Information Tab and then the Student Registration Process. See the links below for more information.
School Hours
- Please visit the calendar to view school dates
- Students in Kindergarten will have orientation for their first day. The calendar will have updated information once it is available
- Regular School Hours are from 8:25 a.m. to 2:55 p.m.
Delayed Opening
- 8:25 arrivals will start at 10:25 a.m.
- Emergency Weather-Related Information
Early Afternoon Dismissal
- Grades K-5 will dismiss at 12:55 p.m.
- Lunch will be served to all students
- Emergency Weather-Related Information
Change in Departure Notification
The Darien Public Schools uses School Dismissal Manager (SDM) as the district’s main way of tracking elementary school students and ensuring their safe arrival at an alternate destination after school. SDM replaces written notes, phone calls, and emails in notifying elementary school staff about a pickup time change, play date, or after school activity. SDM enables parents to digitally notify school staff of a change in their child’s regular dismissal plan.
- School Dismissal Manager Welcome Letter (includes information on password resets and frequently asked questions)
- https://www.schooldismissalmanager.com
Sign-up for School Communications
- Weekly “Wire” eNewsletter at https://tokenekepto.com/wire-2
- Friend us on Facebook at http://facebook.com/pto.tokeneke
- Follow us on Instagram at http://instagram.com/tokeneke_pto
Darien Public Schools are now using Aspen, a secure, Web-based school information management system to collect contact and medical emergency information for your children, as well as obtain parent consents and releases, and to distribute report cards and grades. Please follow these steps as soon as possible so we have your child’s information for the start of school. Please click here to learn more.
Friendly Families
Our TPTO “Friendly Family” team is excited to host summer playdates so incoming kids (and parents) can get to know each other before school! Dates and times are listed below, but subject to change based on weather. All playdates will be at Tokeneke School, unless specified otherwise. Please visit the calendar or Instagram to find dates for the current school year.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO bathrooms at Tokeneke during the off-school hours.
School Supplies
View Back-to-School Supplies Lists. Learn more…
Lunch & Snacks
- Check with your room parents for classroom allergies; All classrooms are nut free
- Grades 1-5 can purchase snacks in school, click here for more information
Lunch Menus
Info here
- Meghan Bendish, Director of Dining Services, mbendish@darienps.org 203-656-7435
Riding the Bus
Families can now find student transportation and bus information online, including Bus Routes, Transportation for Kindergarten Students, Safety, and Transportation Requests. Learn more…
Pick-up and Drop-off
Pick-up and Drop-off are in the school parking lot
- Do not exit your vehicle while in line
- Students should enter and exit the vehicle on the sidewalk side
- No cars are allowed to Enter the Bus Loop before 7:25 or from 2:45-3:15
- No cars are allowed to Park in the Drop-off and Pick-up Zone before 8:45 or from 2:45-3:15
- The designated fire lanes are for emergency vehicles ONLY
- If you park along Old Farm Road you will be towed
Tokeneke Directory
Information will be posted about submitting your information to the Directory in late August.
Kindergarten Orientation
Opening Days Schedule:
Please visit the calendar to see dates as they become available.
Our Kindergarten students will have a special “Meet Your Teacher” and visit the classroom on their first day. While the students are in the classroom, parents are invited to join Principal Betts and the Tokeneke PTO at the front of the building for an informational presentation. The day after 1-5 Students start will be the first full day for Kindergarten.
First Days of School
Please remember that school starts promptly at 8:25 a.m.
Drop Off
If you are dropping off your child, please do so in the school parking lot. Do not double park or drop your child off in front of school.
Room Parents
Each classroom is assigned two room parents. Room parents facilitate communication between parents and the teacher, school administration and/or the TPTO, and supports the teacher in needs that may arise. Room Parent List…
Tokeneke PTO Calendar
Month-by-month list of holidays, meetings, events, and other dates relevant to the Tokeneke Parent-Teacher Organization (TPTO), see below.
Grade Level Coffee Schedule
See calendar.
Parent Open House
See calendar.
Special Education
Childhood presents many challenges for special needs children, especially at school events. As an inclusive community, the Tokeneke PTO encourages a healthy environment for all students at PTO-sponsored events. We hope the following list will help families with special needs children navigation these events. Please click here to learn more.